Your comments

Thanks Manuel for helping out Sam!

Sam - Do let us know if you are facing any issue with your bot. BTW, how's it going with your bot so far? Let us know if you need any help.

Hi Alejandro,

Could you please send us over the images which you are trying to upload? We'll look into them and update you if there is any issue with the images.

Hi Austin,

Yes, player messages and decisions with char text length greater than 20 will be cut off. This is a limitation from FB end. If you'd like to show the entire message, we'll have to change the way the messages appear in your bot. Let us know if you'd like to change this in your bot.

Hi Mark,

We appreciate your suggestions.

1) Reset node - This feature is currently available in Writer's Tool where you can connect a link to any previous node of your Story. There can't be any additional nodes (child nodes) connected to your Reset node.

2) Unsubscribe feature - Our user's have also suggested this feature. We will have this unsubscribe feature coming soon.

@Lynnea - Thanks for your suggestion.

@ David - Thanks for your suggestion. For now, while you are at a particular node, use the 'find' feature to look up for this specific content to highlight in the tree.

@Felicity - You can start playing the story in simulator at any node point you wish to. Just click on a node and play simulator, it plays from the node which you've clicked.

@Mark - The issue with profile icon appearing behind the character name has been fixed. Please do check and let me know if you are still facing any issue here.

Hi Mark,

Yes, few of us are also facing this issue where the profile icon appears behind the character name. Our technical team is currently looking into this. Will update as soon as this is fixed.

For now, you can click on the image icon to set the character's profile pic.

Hi Mark,

Yes, you can set profile pics for characters.

- In the tree page, double click on a node

- In the dropdown menu, select "Add a new character"

- You will now see the list of characters present

- Click on the profile image

- Choose an image available in your system to add it

Hope this helps. Do let me know if you are facing an issue setting profile pic.