Your comments

Hi there,

Could you please provide me with the Facebook bot name to debug this further?

BTW, is this your bot linked at which you want to publish on FB?

Hi there,

Could you please share more details on the issue you've reported? A screenshot will be helpful for us to debug the issue.


You can't have the bot linked up on two different domains. This is what's causing the issue. You will need to use different bot details to publish your bot on two domains.

Regarding your bot created at, I'd suggest you to duplicate the bot and publish it on Kik with new details (bot name and API key). Let me know if you need any help on this.

Did you use the Kik bot details in any other domain other than onsequel?

Hi Kai,

Thanks for pointing this out. We've actually handled the delay between messages on Kik and FB Messenger but not for Telegram. This will be added to our pipeline and will be implemented on Telegram as well. Will update here once this is updated on Telegram.

Hi Juggalo,

We've checked your Kik bot which was published, looks like there is an issue here. You've used the Kik bot details (bot ID and API key) with another domain as well. Could you please confirm to which other domain have you linked this bot with?

Hi Juggalo,

Any changes you make in you episode at, it get's automatically saved. Also, we have "save" icon to manually save if you'd like to. Could you please let us know at what instance your data is not getting saved?

Hi Evi,

Please confirm your question here - Are you looking to use a Kik bot you've created in group chats? (This is inline feature). If this is what you're referring to, we can provide you with guidelines on this process.

Hi there,

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Could you please point me to your bot at

Is it Zombie Survival or Experiment 8795?

Also, to which platform did you try publishing your bot and what was the error shown?Please try again and send us over a screenshot of the error message which pops up. We'll then be able to debug this further and fix it ASAP.