Your comments

Yes, this is possible. The data retrieved from API need to be first stored in a variable and this should be used in the Carousel Card node.

We are experiencing technical issues with Global NLP node. Will update as soon as it's fixed.

Hi Arseny,

We are experiencing issues with Global NLP node. Will update as soon as it's fixed.


You will need to fetch the data from API and store it in a variable. This variable can then be used in the carousel card node.

You will need to create a new FB page and link your bot. Once a FB page is linked to a bot, the same FB page can't be used to link up another bot.

Location node feature will become available to user's in near future. It;s under development.

Great! Do let me know if you need any further help.

Hi Arseny,

So, basically the Payload callback URL will be like this.<Your Data Here>

Your Data here is the data of payload which will get appended in the API which you are using. Could you point me to your bot link at and I'll be able to show you exactly how the webhook payload works.

Hi Arseny,

You will need to append the User ID and BotID in the payload URL. For e.g.