

Ali Privet 7 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 7

Hello. Where can I get the value "Payload"? I am use HTTP request to start bot. I send request like "https://prod2-sequel.onsequel.com/start9999?payload=". And answer always "Payload missing, please verify it in field payload".

Under review

Hi Arseny,

You will need to append the User ID and BotID in the payload URL. For e.g.


Thank you. So... Where I can find User ID and BotID? :) Where are the data?


Hi Arseny,

So, basically the Payload callback URL will be like this.

https://prod2-sequel.onsequel.com/start32CDVPS57A0?payload=<Your Data Here>

Your Data here is the data of payload which will get appended in the API which you are using. Could you point me to your bot link at onsequel.com and I'll be able to show you exactly how the webhook payload works.

Thank you Praveen. But I crack the case :) I send request from my bot to requestb.in and extract data. Now I understand how work payload.


Great! Do let me know if you need any further help.