Your comments
I'm afraid admin responding to the bot is not yet implemented. User can ask questions and bot can respond accordingly by using NLP node feature.
To which platform are you looking to publish your bot? Also, what exactly do you mean by chat with admin?
We are working on this, will update you once it's fixed. Might take a little more time than expected.
Yes, you can use this via variable and functions. Please do check our guide which will help you create this,
If you want the user to play again, put a GoTo episode node at the end linking to the first episode. Hope this helps.
Or a user can type /restart which will reset the bot and start over from the beginning.
Not a problem at all, we're here to help you. Write us here your questions and we'll be happy to help you out.
I've added a template in your bot. It has the quiz template with "Score" as variable which can be incremented. Similarly, you can use it for user's answer if Yes or No and then increment them to get the final count of user's who have opted Yes or No. Let me know if this helps.
What exactly do you mean by chatting with people? A user will be able to chat with your bot.
Hi Andrea,
Yes, this is possible. Point me to your bot link at and I'll add a template for your reference.
Customer support service by UserEcho
@Marcelo - I've added a quiz template episode in your bot. Let me know if you have any questions.