Under review

Facebook page not showing when publishing

Yeadon Sailing Club 8 years ago updated by Praveen Srinivasaiah (Admin) 6 years ago 16

When I try to publish my bot the facebook page I would like to use is listed as Sports & Recreation but is also greyed out. Any ideas?

Under review

Hi there,

Could you please provide me with the Facebook bot name to debug this further?

BTW, is this your bot linked at onsequel.com which you want to publish on FB?



Sorry but I don't understand, the bot is as you have linked in the response.


The facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/yeadonsailingclub/

This screen recording shows the page and the issue when publishing:

In the dropdown list of FB pages, are you saying that the FB Page in which you'd like to publish your bot is not showing up?

Is the page "Sports and Recreation" linked to the same FB account in which the other pages are created?

Yes, Sailing Buddy is using a bot from another service. Yeadonsailingclub is not listed at all, I can only assume that that is sports and recreation. DO I need to do anything in the facebook developer portal to get this working, I did for the other bot used by 'Your sailing Buddy'

It looks like Yeadonsailingclub is Sports and Recreation. Are you able to choose this page in the dropdown list while publishing your bot?

Hi, It's appeared now and I've go it working but I have another problem I'm running 2 bots on 2 pages... Onsquel bot on yeadonsailingclub fb page and a flowxo bot on your sailing buddy page. For some reason though, with every post to your sail buddy I get a onsequel message saying "Hello! Nice to hear from you. Tap "Restart Bot" to start the bot." The onsequel bot isn't listed on the facebook developer site so I can't remove it. How do I stop onsquel posting responses to every message to Your Sailing Buddy, but keep the messages it is now posting to Yeadonsailingclub? Thanks

Could you please link me to both the FB pages?

The facebook page which is somehow connected to onsequel when it shouldn't is https://www.facebook.com/yoursailingbuddy

The bot is responding on FB, but looks like it keeps looping back. Could you please point me the link to your bot at onsequel.com?

Is this the bot linked to this FB Page?



You seem to keep asking me the same question.

A bot from your service, probably this one: https://www.onsequel.com/channels/7177/episodes/11952/trees/11947 is publishing to my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/yoursailingbuddy

I don't want it to do that and I can't see any way to stop it. The only place this bot: https://www.onsequel.com/channels/7177/episodes/11952/trees/11947 publishing to is this page: https://www.facebook.com/yeadonsailingclub/




Sorry for the confusion. It's clear now.

Your bot is currently linked to the FB Page "yeadonsailingclub"

So, you'd want the bot to be linked to your FB Page "yoursailingbuddy". Is this correct? Just confirming before we actually make the changes.

BTW, did you link your bot to "yoursailingbuddy" via onsequel.com or other platform?

1) If you want us to link your bot to the FB Page "yoursailingbuddy", you will first need to unlink the bot which is already linked to this page.

2) Once this is done, we will be able to link the below onsequel bot to your FB page "yoursailingbuddy" and unlink it from "yeadonsailingclub".


Really, are you trying to wind me up??? Your not getting it so please stop all publishing to both FB pages yeadonsailingclub and FB page yoursailingbuddy. I will then decide whether I wish to continue with your service. Thank you.

Under review

No, we are not trying to publish on both FB pages. We'd want to know to which FB page you want to have your bot published as you've used another platform to publish a bot to the same FB page. We apologize for the confusion here.

It looks like you still haven't published your bot to FB. Are you facing issues linking this bot to FB? What's the error message you receive?