Your comments

It looks like you still haven't published your bot to FB. Are you facing issues linking this bot to FB? What's the error message you receive?

Could you please point me to your bot link at

I'm afraid it isn't possible to reorder the options in Menu.

I'm afraid there is a limitation with text length from FB. What other menu items are you looking for?

I've added the menu template episode in your bot. Let me know if you have any questions.

We are looking into this issue and will update you once it's fixed.

Provide me with the link of your bot at Go to any one of your episode and send me over the browser URL of this.

Could you please point me to your bot link at which isn't working on preview?

The bot link for your FB bot will be<botname>

I'm afraid not. The bot will respond only if user's chat via message option.