Your comments

Sorry. I am too busy to answer the question. I have solve the problem to connect the Sequel to FB Messenger but fail to connect Sequel to Slack for I , as a nontech person, do not have talent or skill to follow the complex process.. Many thanks.

I wander it works. Although I am not a tech expert, I know both Zapier and Sequel are new start up company and still have a lot problem to solve as a user view. Because I had tried both of them. The Sequel even can not allow to embed on website, not mentioned to connect to Google sheet or other platform. However I believe they will provide easily process to satisfy the users needs for future growth and really bring benefit to the clients to use these new widgets, bot or A.I.

Not so many person know how to set the FB page. Why the Sequel do not provide the bot linking to the FB profile page for which most people use only .

I can not find "messenger in my FB homepage?

So great bot tools I have tested. But why can we only publish for the only selected list platform such as FB, Slack kik, which seems to complicate to user. Why not provide the popular code for website or blog or other platform.

too complicate to follow up. Why not show the essential setting first for user to know they want to continue or not?

Can not find the Sequel preview slack button in my slack when I press" open slack", then the slack create a new channel for me. But where I can use or embed the bot that I create in Sequel named 294pro

How Can I publish my bot to website or Android mobile ?