How do I create and publish a Slack bot?

A. Create a Microsoft Bot:

If you do not have a Microsoft account, go to and sign up.

1. Go to -> click on register a bot -> create an account.
Image 575

2. Fill in the necessary details - Name, Bot handle, Description

3. In the configuration section -> message endpoint will be (botID is "Bot handle")

4. Click on "Create Microsoft App ID and password" button

Image 576

5. Click on "Generate an app password to continue" buttonA password is generated. Note down this App Password as shown in the below screenshot for future reference which is required to publish your bot

Image 577

Image 578

6. The App ID and Password are now generated and saved as shown in the below screenshot

Image 579

7. Click on "Finish and go back to Bot Framework" button.

Note down the App ID for future reference which is required to publish your bot

Image 581

8.Click on "Register" button and your Bot is created

Image 582

Image 583

============Retrieving BotId and Bot details ================

1. Go to your Microsoft botframework and select My bots

Image 584

2. Select the bot (for e.g. "Testbot") you've created and click on "Edit" button next to Details
3. We will temporarily change the messaging endpoint to retrieve the bot details. Change the endpoint URL from to

("slack" changed to "test" and "bots" changed to "store" in the above URL)

Once the message endpoint is changed, click on "Save Changes"

Image 585

4. In your Botframework under "Add another Channel" section, click on "Add" for Slack channel

Image 586

5. You are now redirected to Configure Slack section

Image 587

6. Choose the first option and click on the URL to log in to Slack and create a new App

Image 590

7. You are now redirected to Slack API. Click on "Create New App"

Image 591

8. Choose a App Name (for e.g. Testbot)

9. If you are already a part of Slack Team, it will be shown in the drop down list of "Development Slack Team" (or) If you are not a part of any Slack Team, create or join a Slack Team using this URL -

Image 592

10. Once a new App is created, a Client ID and Client secret is generated

Image 593

11. Choose "OAuth & Permissions" and enter the Redirect URL as and Save Changes

Image 594

12. Choose "Bot Users" and click on "Add a Bot User" and you will see your bot username. Now, click on "Add Bot User" and Save Changes

Image 596

Image 597

13. Choose "Interactive Messages" and click on "Enable Interactive Messages". Now, enter the URL and click on "Enable Interactive Messages" and Save Changes

Image 598

Image 599

14. Choose "Basic Configuration" and make note of Client ID, Client Secret and Verification Token details

Image 600

15. Now, go back to "Configure Slack" (as mentioned in #6). Under "Submit your Credentials", fill in the Client ID, Client Secret and Verification Token details

Click on "Submit Slack Credentials" button

Image 601

16. Now, click on "I'm done configuring Slack" button

Image 602

17. Open Slack, search for your bot and send a message

Image 605

Image 606

18. Now, hit this URL in your browser in a new tab

Note: testbot is a tag name. This name should be same as you've set in the Configuration section as shown in the below screenshot (in the below example, the tag name is "testbot")

So, the URL will be

Image 604

19. Once you've hit the above URL as mentioned in #18 above, you will receive a response as shown in the below screenshot

Image 607

Make a note of the "recipient ID" and "ApiToken"

19. Now, go back to botframework and under "Configuration", edit the "Messaging endpoint" URL from to

("test" is changed to "slack", "store" is changed to "bots" and "testbot" to "recipient ID" which is B38LN624S:T02SXT1EE)

Click on Save Changes

Image 608

Publish your bot on Slack

1. When you are ready to publish your bot at, choose "Slack" in the platform as shown in the below screenshot

2. Fill in the required details and click on "Publish"

a) Slack Bot ID/Recipient ID

b) Slack API Token

c) Microsoft App ID

d) Microsoft App Password

Image 618

Yay! You're bot is now LIVE on Slack!

Log in to your Slack Team, search for your bot name and start chatting!

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