Your comments

how can i do it? 
this is the link to the page of statistics, the number on the link shoud be of any help?

the name of my bot is @HPWorld_bot this is the analytics page of the bot
it seems the number inside the link may help, is it right? 
'cause I can't find the link to the bot itself (on onsequel), only in telegram

I checked it, but.. is shows nothing
I am the only user of my bot, that is published on Telegram
But the statistics shows nothing (as I get it, it must have shown 1 or even 2, I used 2 accounts)
Is it right? 

what time in the future may we get this option, possibly? need it too
thank you for you work! ^-^

you may have kinda randomiser
every time it rolls, the variable adds up for 1 (or the second variable)
when it comes to 6 or 10, you nullify it
for each number you direct a dice number
you can make it more random by adding similar changing of the second variable (not 1 each time, but 2, 3)
of course it'll never be random, but nobody will no the way to count it 

but won't it be like text line...? 
for example



you mean, it will analyze it, understand that they are numbers, and render + like add sign, not like text string, right?

ok, I'll try)

I suppose you may set a variable, and check it when a user comes back from sub-episodes
you provide this var in the end of sub-ep, before you send user back to 1st ep
then you check it in the first ep before the interaction, and in case there is no var, it goes by the old route, when there is, it goes to the certain place via goto