Your comments

Thank you for this information! :D Ive made a temporary work around, but I'm looking forward that update! Keep up the good work!

  • Why do they have to restart? Is there a way for them to simply restart the last thing they did and let that update it? If not, I truly feel the update system should be improved. Not to bash the bot creator, but it's rather upsetting to players to have to reset their entire Story if the Creator adds an update to the bot or adds a new episode.

I'm not sure how to do this myself... I guess we'll wait for a developer to help us lol

Hey, I'm going to try a few prototypes and get back to you lol

I'd really like to see a node for tracking inventory. It would make things a lot easier. I'm currently making a post apocalyptic rpg and I'm having a hard with this aspect, and forget randomization of finding supplies. I've seen it done on other bots, but I've yet to find out how to do it myself.

Is there a way to link each random response to it's own variable? For example, when your character searches for supplies it gives a random list of found items then adds those items to an inventory you can keep track of?