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Opening @onsequelbot in Telegram following message is visible:

… inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 9 days, it will self-destruct …

Same issue here!

Had a working telegram bot preview, now i get this error message: Bot preview failed! Some error occurred during bot preview activation.

When trying to activate a new one via @onsequelbot, telegram says: user not available!

When i try to process the audio after sending it from Telegram bot through my API i only get a string saying ''KIWIunparsedMESSAGE''. Could this be an issue with the @onsequelbot ? Do i have to publish my bot first to get this working?

OK sounds great! On my server I'm trying to retrieve speech data from my bot via API.

try again, should return 'ok' now, connection is well established

Yes I did, severel times now, still not working, it says 'Success …' but my bot does not appear on SequelPreviewViber.

Yes I am in the chat section of SequelPreviewViber on Viber (on Mac and iPhone), only on iOS the name of the contact is not 'SequelPreviewViber'.

Thanks Praveen that you take care of the problem. You are right, the preview bot 'SequelPreviewViber' is working fine. But I somehow cannot send my bot to viber for preview, the connection between my bot and the viber preview does not seem to work. I got the ID, entered it into the preview window, sent my bot to viber, but nothing appears on 'SequelPreviewViber'.