Your comments

Pavel, the best way to get started is to just dive in and build a conversation with/between characters that you think would be compelling. As you can see from the Store examples, there's a lot that can be built that is entertaining as an entertainment experience that unfolds in the messaging environment.

Hi Vincent,

Were you using "Control Enter" in the specific message window? Pls see image below.


How can we help? Do you have specific questions?

Is that the topic for your bot?


Can we help you with a bot for the WWE?

That's right...if you remove all characters from your bot so there is only one, the *Juliet* will be removed as your bot has only one voice at that point.

Also, please keep in mind that *Juliet* is showing up in your bot because you have multiple characters used and FB does not allow us to manipulate the profile image otherwise.

Yes, it will probably carry advertising at some point. We should definitely avoid media etc. that would restrict this capability.

Love the Sword of Shannara series. I'm working on The Mongoliad series - who wouldn't love living the Mongols!

Hi all,

Introducing myself as well though I know some of you already. I'm at Kiwi (the company behind Sequel) and I've always been interested in storytelling and digital media. Started making games about eight years ago, and over time began focusing on story-driven games for casual audiences.

That journey has led to this project, and for me, is an exciting privilege to be attempting to bring diverse traditions from writing, interactive fiction, MUDs, visual novels, choose your own adventures, Vine, YouTube, television, etc. to a mass audience in a novel way that has been enabled by where technology and lifestyles have gone.

Anyway, excited to be collaborating with all of you!