Your comments

Okay, I have just tried sending a broadcast, it all worked now. Thank you for looking into this issue. Appreciate your help.

We created 4 episodes:

1. Main episode, with default start node, and some text, choice nodes.
2. Broadcast episode with Scheduled Broadcast start node and one text node (broadcast time set to 10:00AM GMT+2 today)
3. Re engage episode with Re-Engage start node and one text node (set specified time to 10:10AM GMT+2 today)
4. Webhook episode with Webhook start node and one text node
Then published all episodes together.
Also we sent GET and POST requests to
and got 500 Error response for each request.
So we didn’t receive any messages
This is the link to the bot (main episode)

Yes, both re-engagement and broadcast messages didn't work.

1) I have created an episode with simple text copy.

2) Created additional episode with a broadcast node with scheduled time and date with a text node following. Broadcast message wasn't sent.
3) Created additional episode with a re-engagement node with scheduled time and date with a text node following. Re-engagement message wasn't sent.
4) Created additional episode with a WEBHOOK node, with a text message following. I have sent GET and POST requests to http://…. and https://…. and all requests returned an error 500

I have tried publishing and unpublishing episodes, but this didn't help.

Thanks a lot for your answer! Appreciate your help.