How do I create and publish a Twilio bot?

A. Create a Microsoft Bot:

If you do not have a Microsoft account, go to and sign up.

1. Go to -> click on register a bot -> create an account.
Image 575

2. Fill in the necessary details - Name, Bot handle, Description

3. In the configuration section -> message endpoint will be (botID is "Bot handle")

4. Click on "Create Microsoft App ID and password" button

Image 671

5. Click on "Generate an app password to continue" button. Note down this App Password as shown in the below screenshot for future reference which is required to publish your bot

Image 577

Image 578

6. The App ID and Password are now generated and saved as shown in the below screenshot

Image 579

7. Click on "Finish and go back to Bot Framework" button.

Note down the App ID for future reference which is required to publish your bot

8.Click on "Register" button and your Bot is created

Image 672

Creating a Twilio Account

1. In your Botframework under "Add another Channel" section, click on "Add" for Twilio (SMS) channel

Image 673

2. You are now redirected to Configure SMS section

Image 674

3. Choose the first option to create a Twilio account. Click the URL

Image 675

4. If you do not have a Twilio account, Sign Up for FREE

Image 676

5. Verify your account via SMS

Image 681

6. You are now redirected to Console dashboard. Click Get Started

Image 682

Image 684

7. If you already have a Twilio account, Log in

Image 677

8. You will now be redirected to Console dashboard

Make note of the ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN for future reference which will be used to publish your bot

Image 679

9. Select # which will take you to Twilio phone number

10. Click on "Get your first Twilio phone number" button

Image 685

11. Your first Twilio phone number is generated

- Click "Choose this Number" if you want to keep this number

- Click the link "Search for a different number" if you want a different twilio phone number

Image 686

12. Your new Twilio phone number is now activated

Image 687

13. Now, go back to Configure SMS window and choose the next option to create a TwiML Application. Click the URl as shown in the below screenshot

Image 688

14. Fill in the Friendly Name

15. In "Messaging" type in the Request URL as

Image 690

16. Your TwiML Application is now created

Image 691

17. Now, go back to Configure SMS window and choose the next option to add your Twilio phone number to TwiML application. Click the URL as shown in the below screenshot

Image 692

18. You are now redirected to Conole dashoard --> Phone numbers section. Click on the Twilio phone number

Image 693

19. Choose"Configure" under Manage Numbers section and scroll down the page

Image 694

20. Choose the following options in Messaging


b) TWIML APP --> select the Application which you've created earlier (Friendly Name

Save changes

Image 695

21. Now, go back to Configure SMS window and submit the required details

Image 697

22. Fill in the details - Phone number, Account SID, Auth Token and click "Submit Twilio Credentials"

Image 698

23. Once the credentials are verified, click "I'm done configuring SMS"

Image 699

24. Go back to botframework window and edit the Messaging endpoint URL from to

- In this example, the phone number is 4692426489. Make sure to prefix it with "+1"

- The URL in this example will be

Save the changes

Image 700

Your Twilio account is all set and ready to be published

Publish your bot on Twilio

1. When you are ready to publish your bot at, choose "Slack" in the platform as shown in the below screenshot

2. Fill in the required details and click on "Publish"

a) Twilio Bot Phone Number

b) Twilio Account SID

c) Twilio Auth Token

d) Microsoft App ID

e) Microsoft App Password

Image 701

Yay! Your bot is now LIVE on Twilio!

Send a message to your Twilio Phone Number to start the chat!

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