
NLP and choice in the same time ?

Amr 7 years ago updated by Praveen Srinivasaiah (Admin) 7 years ago 1

How can I create a NLP and a choice in the same time?

How Can I change the font format ?
How Can I create a back button rather than the "go to node function"? a simple button that gets me back to the previous operation.

How can I make the bot responds by the name of a user?

How can I make the list appears more neat? I am using a telegram bot... and buttons can be placed beside each other ... here I cannot do it

Thanks :)


How can I create a NLP and a choice in the same time?

You need to use the "NLP player decision node" option which gives you NLP as well as player decision (as fallback button(

How Can I change the font format ?

Font format can't be changed in Sequel. 

 How Can I create a back button rather than the "go to node function"? a simple button that gets me back to the previous operation.

For now, only GoTo Node function serves this purpose.

How can I make the bot responds by the name of a user?

Use the variable {player.username} which will display user's name in the chat.

How can I make the list appears more neat? I am using a telegram bot... and buttons can be placed beside each other ... here I cannot do it

We still haven't implemented buttons placed horizontally in Telegram.