
Android App!!

Jessica Lopez 9 years ago updated by App Development Pros 1 year ago 4

i know that there's an iOS app for Sequel, but I'm wondering when and if you will work on rolling out an Android app?

I don't have iOS (I dislike iOS so I use Android), and I'd love to see an Android app as well, because Sequel is amazing!! It would really grow if there was an Android app.

(P.S. Also, the mobile version of the website is extremely distorted, so I figured you guys should know that!)

Hello Jessica,

I'm sorry to say this. Onsequel as far as I know does not have an Android app for sequel. However, could you explain why you don't like the product Apple? Thanks for saying they may make an app in the later future. Enjoy your day!

That's sorely disappointing! I don't have any Apple devices that use apps, so I can't use OnSequel on the Apple app. And I only use my Android devices, so I can't use OnSequel on the Desktop. The only option is the mobile site, but it's distorted and doesn't have a lot of functions. So I'm kinda stuck until they make an Android app!

I dislike Apple simply due to its operating system. It's too confusing and not user-friendly enough. Not only that, I've gotten stuck with several faulty devices, so as a whole, I don't like Apple devices or products.



We are currently working on the optimization of mobile compatibility and will become available with all issues sorted out soon.