500 error in API node

Alex 9 years ago updated by Faizan 9 years ago 3

Hi? no connect API node for requesting data from WP REST API.
Error 500

In POSTMAN Status: 200 OK

Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2016 19:20:45 GMTContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8Transfer-Encoding: chunkedConnection: keep-aliveX-Content-Type-Options: nosniffAccess-Control-Expose-Headers: X-WP-Total, X-WP-TotalPagesAccess-Control-Allow-Headers: AuthorizationX-Wp-Total: 12X-Wp-Totalpages: 2Link: <https://bikeeveryday.ru/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?page=2>; rel="next"Allow: GETCache-Control: max-age=31536000Expires: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 19:20:44 GMTVary: User-Agent,Accept-EncodingServer: cloudflare-nginxCf-Ray: 2b69d1ccd42d4f14-DME

Source message
GET /wp-json/wp/v2/posts HTTP/1.1
 HOST: bikeeveryday.ru
 cookie: __cfduid=dd432a68d11f3310f42169b75ec57*******

geo block?
logs server is empty: - - [21/Jun/2016:22:13:04 +0300] "GET /?rest_route=/wp/v2/posts HTTP/1.0" 200 2893 - - [21/Jun/2016:22:16:06 +0300] "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1466536566.36125302314758 HTTP/1.0" 200 20 - - [21/Jun/2016:22:16:05 +0300] "GET /?rest_route=/wp/v2/posts HTTP/1.0" 200 2893

Hi Alex,

Thanks for pointing it out. We have identified the issue and it will be fixed soon.

We will keep you updated on the same.

--OnSequel Team

Hi Alex,

Sorry for the trouble you faced. The issue is fixed and live.

Please go ahead and create awesome bots on OnSequel.